Monday, August 24, 2009

Today.... Blah....

I don't even know where to begin maybe when i woke up? I woke up for work and didn't want to go. I knew for some reason this day was going to kick my butt. My bosses are all on edge i feel their stress and the rest of this crew here is feeling the same. We had to get rid of our security guard because we couldn't afford it here. It's busy to the point that we need one more person, but the problem is we aren't making the numbers that we need to in order to hire someone new. Its just been a killer one.

Yesterday for some strange reason i was in such a funk when i got home from watching the kids that i didn't even feel like moving. I washed my dog and found a way to take a shower eat dinner watch a movie and crash i was burnt out. And through all that i forgot to send a message to my Aunty one of the most important people in my life ha what a retard i am. She then labled me a "flake" this morning which sorta stung really hard to my heart. I guess i just don't get it. I try my best to follow through on things and make sure i communicate but sometimes when things are crazy i just forget.

I am trying to keep my head up and above water ha not working as well as i would have liked. I am so tired right now as i sit at work and stare into space. I am done with everything for now. We have closing tomorrow so i know that i need to make sure that we are ready. Just bla.....

Then to top off everything found out that last nights lovely display of hellicopters flying around my house was the police looking for some gang member who tried to rob someone in the Grace Church parking lot which is not far from my house at all. The person who was getting robbed tried to flee from the robbers headed towards the fountain that is in the court yard and was shot in the ankle. Nice just more excitement in my neighborhood to make me feel even safer HAHAH not! So when do i get to move out of this state and this city? Hopefully soon.. I am losing it muahahahhahhahh.

Anyways enough with this rediculousness....

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